Seven Top Shoe Shopping Tips

lifestyle shoes style style tips tips Mar 03, 2024

As a little girl I loved shopping with my Grammy. A law school graduate who made the coolest birthday cakes ever, Grammy was a force to be reckoned with. 


When I was in the 4th grade Grammy took me on a shopping excursion to Boston for my 10th birthday. In those days going into down town Boston was a big deal warranting every little girl to wear a dress, her black patent leather shoes with frilly white socks and of course, white gloves. I remember feeling so pretty whenever I donned those black Mary Janes. 


It was the mid 1960’s and I wanted white gogo boots like the ones I’d seen on tv and in magazines. They were so cool! Grammy agreed I should have a pair, so off we went to brave the Saturday morning crowds vying for the best deals at (the original!) Filene’s Basement in Boston. 


What a scene! Clothing and shoes haphazardly thrown into crowded bins all over the place with aggressive grandmothers and mothers sorting through with great intent and purpose. After what seemed like an eternity, Grammy emerged with a pair of the coolest fringed white gogo boots. They were perfect! With only one exception…they were too tight-at least a half size too small for my still growing feet. But, I was determined to have that pair of boots, so told Grammy they felt great. I think I wore that fabulous pair of boots twice before giving them away due to the pain they caused me.


Have you ever purchased for price or the love of a look and tossed comfort and lifestyle needs out the store door?


Barbara and I were doing my Closet Audit Process. She had been having trouble putting her outfits together. After reviewing her wardrobe we realized that her clothing was not the problem. She had some great outfits, but when it came to that finishing touch: footwear- she didn’t have the right shoes or boots to complete her look with aplomb. She had always enjoyed shopping for footwear and owned quite a few pairs of beautiful shoes and boots. The problem was, she had never taken her existing wardrobe into consideration when going shoe shopping. Instead she had bought beautiful and expensive shoes on sale or on a whim without taking into consideration how they might complement and complete her outfits. 


After pointing out the solution she admitted that most of her existing shoes were all exciting to look at but not to wear. A trip to a local department store solved her challenge. A few pairs that accessorized her closet and her lifestyle eased her stress about getting dressed in the morning. 


Do you have trouble putting your options together with the right shoe, handbag or jewelry? When the season’s change it's a good time to pull together some clothing options complete with all the right accessories. Then take a picture. Store these photos on your phone or computer, or consider creating a fashion catalog with your picture on the cover. 


Here are my seven top shoe shopping tips! 


  1. Never buy shoes in the morning. Your true size occurs later in the day to reflect normal swelling. 


  1. Make sure the shoes you select compliment a wide variety of clothing you already have. 


  1. When you see a sale sign ask yourself “Would I pay regular price for this pair?” 


  1. Review your current shoe wardrobe before shopping to avoid duplication.


  1. Best to try on shoes with inserts or orthotics as well as the socks you will plan to wear with them.


  1. If you find a designer or specific shoe that provides style and comfort, buy a second pair! The first will eventually wear out. 


  1. Select a heel height that gives style yet allows you to actually walk.

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