My Thoughts On Aging Gracefully

Mar 11, 2024

Dear Friends,

I've been doing some deep reflecting lately, especially about the passage of time and the journey of aging. Approaching my 68th birthday in April, I find myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. While I feel vibrant and alive in body, mind, and spirit, the societal markers of age, like Medicare and senior discounts, remind me that I'm entering what some might call the "golden years." It's a realization that tugs at my heartstrings, knowing that I have more years behind me than ahead.

In conversations with younger friends, I often hear well-meaning reassurances like "Age is just a number" or "You don't look your age at all." While these words carry warmth, they also stir a bittersweet feeling within me. They remind me of the dreams and aspirations I've yet to fulfill, even as I celebrate the small victories like becoming a better skier or mastering languages like Spanish and French.

Yet, there are moments when my mind wanders to the paths not taken, the "if only" scenarios that haunt us all. It's during these times that I lean heavily on the practice of forgiveness, especially towards myself, for the choices made and the roads left unexplored.

In the company of my peers, I find solace and understanding as we navigate the complexities of aging, contemplating how to infuse our lives with intention and joy. Surrounded by remarkable women who have been my pillars through life's storms, I've felt compelled to create a space where more women can share wisdom, laughter, and support. Especially after huge life transitions such as divorce, widowhood, or when the children leave home.

That's why I'm excited to extend an invitation to my free Master Class, where together we'll explore the pathways to irresistible living in our midlife and beyond.

Join me as we delve into topics of personal development, tantra, and relationships, embracing lifestyle and style makeovers aimed at reigniting our passions and embracing our true selves.

Register for the Master Class here:

Proven Ways to be Irresistible ~ For Women Over 50

Feel free to share this invitation with the remarkable women in your life. Together, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

With warm regards and anticipation,


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